by: The GolfPH Team
We have exciting news here at GolfPH to start the 2025 year. We are offering one FREE Phigolf WGT Ed...
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Five More Advance to the WAGC National Finals

The rains have begun to pour but that didn’t stop 51 aspiring amateur golfers from making their way to the 2nd qualifying tournament of the World Amateur Golfers Championship (WAGC) held at the

Fore 94 – The Dragon’s Tournament

St. Jude Catholic School batch ’94 and Xavier School batch ’94 together with K&G Golf Apparel, are jointly organizing a fun and exciting golf tournament on July 24, 2017 (Monday), dubbed “FORE’94 The

Festival of Golf Klub Golf Bogor Raya August 2017

Here’s a video of last year’s event. For inquiries, please email us at [email protected]

Golf For Our Marawi Heroes

The situation is fierce and help is desperately needed. There are more than 150 wounded soldiers in Camp Evangelista, Cagayan De Oro City and it’s increasing on the a daily basis. To help

USEC’s 4th of July U.S. Independence Day Tournament

A golf tournament in itself is already loads of fun, but make it about helping others and it becomes an exceptional event! For 8 years straight, USEC (U.S. Embassy Club) has successfully held exciting golf
How To Develop a Pre-Shot Routine Like Clockwork

How To Develop a Pre-Shot Routine Like Clockwork

One of the most common questions I get from students, golfing buddies and players alike is: how can I focus and block out all distracting thoughts when I play? Obviously, if there was

Philippines To Host The Next Asia Golf Tourism Convention

In 2016, just 7.8% of the Philippines GDP was attributed to the Travel and Tourism Industry. Compare that with the 25.1% that tourism brings to the GDP of Thailand and you’ll begin to

[50 Spots Only] Join The 2nd Official WAGC Qualifier

Have you ever wondered how good of a golfer you really are? Whether you can control your emotions after a bad shot… or make the pressure putt when it counts the most? Well

[Results] The First Official WAGC Qualifier and 5 More to Come

Want to Represent the Philippines in the World Finals in Malaysia? April 28, 2017 marked the beginning of a changing tide in the game of golf here in the Philippines. Throughout the year,
Join the 31st AmCham ChariTee Golf Tournament

Join the 31st AmCham ChariTee Golf Tournament

31st AmCham ChariTee Golf Tournament Get ready to swing for a cause on April 7th, 2017 at the upcoming 31st AmCham ChariTee Golf Tournament. The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines is an association of


Our golf blog provides a bunch of first hand information from a golfers point of view. We do this because of the love of the game and to promote golfing in the Philippines. We try our best to take an unbiased, nonsense approach to everything that we publish. All of our writers are unpaid volunteers so please be easy on us. If you would like to write for golfph, please feel free to email us at [email protected].