What do you have planned this Easter? A grand vacation getaway in a distant Asian country with your family? Or stay at home enjoying the best of gadgets sold by different manufacturers? Did you
know that as we speak, there are children who can only dream of experiencing all those luxuries? In the Philippines, myriads of families live under a shabby little cave made of broken wood and rusted
aluminum sheets. They sleep in the cold and they use their arms as blankets during the night. From the amount of food they have, a full meal for them is about a portion of the servings we get in restaurants. Just imagine how difficult their lives are and how easy it is to give them a moment of your time to help.
How Families in Smokey Mountain Will Spend Easter
It’s pretty disheartening to hear about these kinds of situations. Locations like Smokey Mountain or Payatas is no exception. For years, this has been a dumpsite for the Metro’s garbage, literally.
Nonetheless, even with the wastes, the stench and the bacteria, there are some people who live here. These people, in an effort to survive, make it their job to dig through these piles of trash just to find
items to sell. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. This is what they call a job. And they can’t stop this even during the Holy Week or else, what will they live with? How will they provide for their loved ones?
Because not many are privileged to work in huge corporations and not many are able to earn a 5 to 6 figure salary. In fact, these people from Smokey Mountain are already fortunate if they get to budget
their money until the end of the week. To top it all off, many of these people have children and the latter get to suffer the most. Without learning how the good life is all about, these young boys and girls
are forced to work, believing that this is the only way to survive; that this is the only thing they can do. They are blind because of poverty. Instead of being able to go to school, they become scavengers under the scorching heat of the sun just to lend their parents a hand. Their innocent faces become tainted with the harsness of reality.
Good Samaritans in Action – Be One of Them!
Truly this is a sight worth your tears. But cry no more! Because this Easter, a miracle will happen. The Junior Chamber International Manila (JCI Manila) has tied up with Young Focus for Education
and Development Foundation Inc. (YFED) in focusing on changing the lives of 12 kids from Smokey Mountain. By giving them the chance to experience a quality education, it is expected that they’ll
garner a better life for their selves and for their loved ones. These 12 kids are picked based on their capacity to work for the future; on the possibility of their becoming breadwinners for their families.
Unfortunately, JCI Manila and YFED cannot do this all on their own.
With your generosity, these two groups will be able to fulfill their mission. Once these kids receive proper education, more people will be saved from poverty. Monetary donations are being collected by
these organizations and shall be used as schooling funds for those 12 individuals. You will not only help the young ones but their parents, siblings and other relatives as well. Just think of the dozens of
people you’ll be able to help. Imagine the joy that you will bring upon their homes. Friends, it is time for us to take that step to help people like these. Our society cannot transform if we do not make an
effort to change it.
Before you spend your Easter weekend in an exciting summer getaway, take the time to think about the lives of these families from Smokey Mountain. Think of how your donations can lessen the problems
of the Philippines. Your money will be spent molding beautiful futures for these girls and boys. Even a Piso will bring them closer to change. Help JCI Manila and YFED in creating a miracle in these children’s lives. Donate now!
So What’s It Gonna Take To Send These Kids To School?
12 children are about to experience a miracle – a miracle brought about by the spirit of generosity. Have you noticed that there are so many kids in Metro Manila working? If you come to places like Smokey Mountain, you’ll see that they work as scavengers, trying to find items in the trash to sell for money. This depressing situation is definitely caused by poverty. Thankfully, this can change with the power of education!
JCI Manila and YFED both aims to send 12 kids from Smokey Mountain to school to take up a 2 year vocational course that will give them the chance for a better future. However, these two groups can’t do
it alone. They are asking for your donations to be able to pay for these kids’ tuition fees. What can you give to get these boys and girls to school? Here, you can pick a package that will work best for you:
• Php 70,000.00 – Complete two year vocational training assistance per student
• Php 35,000.00 – One year vocational training assistance per student
• Php 10,000.00 – Partial donation for the students
Of course, you can give any amount you wish. There are several payment options available. Pick the most convenient for you:
Through Bank Deposit
Through Checks: Payable to JCI Manila
Remember, your donation will go a long way! Help these kids have a better life! Be their miracle!
For more information, contact Chrystelle Villanueva at (0905)332-2013 or email her at [email protected].