Our 5th Annual “Par-tee at the Greens” is now over, but we are all still flying high from such a fun and successful event. We could not have done it without you all, so let us first start by saying a resounding THANK YOU from the GolfPH Team! For those of you who missed it, our tournament was held at the prestigious Wack Wack Golf & Country Club on September 30, 2016.
For us, it wasn’t just about the golf. For many of us, it was our first time serving all of you at this tournament. The memories made were amazing and we got to meet so many of our members that we interact with usually on email or text. It was such a privilege to be a part of this event and we hope that every one of you left happy and relaxed.
We wanted to share with those of you who may have missed the event. The Par-tee at the Greens was SOLD OUT. 143 Players. 36 Flights. We are really sorry to all of you that couldn’t play, but next year we are looking for a bigger venue. Look out for the announcement on where it will be and make sure to sign up early!
Let us first start out by asking you guys a question…where were you at 5AM? The reason we ask is because although registration opened at 6:30AM, our team assembled bright and early at 5AM in the clubhouse. There was so much to do and although we were tired, we were pumped to get the partee started. It takes months to plan a tournament and the day was finally here.
Although, registration opened at 6:30AM, we weren’t the only ones excited. There were a few golfers that showed up early. Maybe they were as excited as us or maybe they just wanted to make sure they got a cart… 😉
One by one, players coming from different locations throughout the Metro area started to arrive. Registration went smoothly even though there were slight delays due to another tournament being planned on the same day and a limited number of available carts. Thank you to all of our golfers who graciously walked without complaining throughout all 18 holes.
Each registered player received a goody bag filled with items courtesy of our event sponsors. In addition to that, a free plate of ham provided by The Plaza was served to any interested player. Thank you to them for their generosity and to the golfers who patiently waited for the 8AM shotgun tee off.
It was so much fun getting to meet such a diverse group of golfers. We had members, non-members, businessmen, businesswomen, other professionals, CEOs, sales people, locals, expats and so many others that we can’t even name them all. Prior to that day, we were all also a bit nervous because of the stormy weather we were experiencing, but through thankfully we received beautiful sunshine overlooking the well-manicured greens at Wack Wack.
The weather holding out was especially important considering that the round lasted about 6 hours! Much longer than expected, but everyone still had a great time. Players started submitting their scorecards just past 2 in the afternoon, and we were able to start the program shortly thereafter. The running joke as players came into the banquet hall was that they didn’t expect to get so much exercise in that day! That’s’ what happens when the course runs out of carts!
Even though everyone finished at different times, the wait for those finished went unnoticed. It was a great time to network, meet new golfers and get in early at the buffet!
The program started off with free flowing drinks courtesy of our event drink sponsor Dewar’s and Bear Beer. Due to their generosity, we were able to spoil our golfers with premium Dewars 12 year old whiskey and free flowing Imported Beer all day long. It was truly a standout part of the program and surely made the day a lot more fun.
Instead of waiting until the end, the raffle winners were announced throughout the reception. The grand prize, which was a 43-inch flat screen TV was snagged by GolfPH member, Conny Dolonius.
Our PGA Golf Pro Dan Sais, announced the award winners for the tournament.
- Overall Flight Champion: Pablo Olivarez, Mithor Singson, Brixton Aw, and Juvan Esplana.
- Second Place Winners: Justin Limjap, Jason Barcelon, Matthew Mendoza, and Hubert Lim,
- 3rd Place Winners: Ralph Chong, Cesar Montano, Jeth Ang, and Brian Poe Llamanzares
- GolfPH Flight Champions: Harry Syles, Joseph Bautista, Bobby Sen, and Paul Creasy
- Women’s Team Champions: Elaine Kunkle, Bunnee Santos, Marissa Floirendo, and Tet Lara
- “Nearest-to-the-Pin” Fun Hole Winners: Paul Creasy and Gene Castro
- Longest Drive Winner: Joseph Bautista
- “Most Accurate Drive” Winner: Adam Hatchey.
Congratulations to all of our winners! You deserve a round of applause. Share this article as your win will not be forgotten!
We called on more of our amazing sponsors to help us out and donate a few prizes. The event was such a success and we could not have done it without our sponsors and you.
A special thank you to the following:
Thank you Enjoy Philippines for your generosity in sponsoring 170+ Membership Cards worth Php2995 each. Enjoy everyday with over Php 350,000 worth of gifts, discounts, and VIP privileges from over 250 brand partners in 800 locations nationwide!
Each player went home with a handy golf pouch and a Swing Analyzer souvenir photo sponsored by non other than Malungai LifeOil.
NutriAsia – who wouldn’t want it? This company generously sponsored Mang Thomas bottles, Chicharon and very crispy lechon!
The best part about the event was being able to come together and play a round of golf on a team. May people get to meet new lifelong friends and we hope you all keep in touch in preparation for the next year. Also, we hope you each got to visit our sponsor booths and win their mini giveaways. Tell your friends about the Par-tee at the Greens and make sure you reserve a spot for next year!
Please click here to view the event photo album.
If you aren’t a GolfPH member yet, but attended our tournament, please click on this link to get more information