Ad Packages

Advertising. Marketing budgets. Expenses. ROI. Target Market. Best buyer. Ideal demographic. Cost analysis.

It's all just a blur of numbers that can be overwhelming and extremely frustrating, which is why it's important to do your due diligence before spending any money on advertising, right? "Due Diligence" is a term used to investigate or research something before you sign on that dotted line.

Well, wouldn't it be great if a company actually DID the due diligence for YOU?

GolfPH did it for you.

Did you know (about golfers)...
-...the average household income is almost DOUBLE the average?
-...over 90% of all golfers use the Internet regularly?
-...their average net worth is 6x the National average?
-...91% own their own home & 23% own a second home?
-...83% are above the age of 40 & are working professionals?

So, if you want to advertise to a customer who has money, uses the Internet and is respected in society then inquire now for an advertising media kit at [email protected]

Please see our packages below:

GolfPH Advertising Packages


Golf Course Review + Email Blast + 1 Category A
Golf Course Review + Email Blast + 1 Category A + 1 Category B
Golf Course Review + Email Blast + 1 Category A + 1 Category B + 1 Category C

75,000 php
100,000 php
150,000 php

Category A (Choose 1, worth 30k each)

Featured Course
Blog Post
GM/Director Interview

Category B (Choose 1, worth 40k each)

Monthly Newsletter Ad
Monthly Promo Ad
Social Media Blast (fb/twitter)

Category C

Will refer minimum 15 golfers/month guaranteed
Will promote real estate development project or shares to members